DIY Brass Chandelier

Do you say “Yes, please!” to modern brass lighting fixtures that you can make yourself and customize to your own space? Or maybe you’re of the train of thought where DIY lighting fixtures seem overwhelming and intimidating and scary. Either way, you may have seen the Lindsey Adelman brass chandelier that has graced cyberspace for a couple of years now, not only because it’s a beauty, but also because it comes in a DIY kit. Which is very convenient, although it’s not the route we took. This step-by-step tutorial you’re reading right now aims to take you through the process of building the brass chandelier in as simple a way as possible, while keeping the entire process completely customized. Let’s dive in. Note: Author is an experienced, although not professional, electrician. The chandelier-building process is explained as clearly and accurately as possible. Contact a professional with any questions or potential hazards you come across. Home...